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Children & Students

At Northwest, we seek to serve parents as a guiding partner through each stage of your child’s life.

We intentionally build upon the relationships formed in the early years to create environments and opportunities for the Holy Spirit to move in your child’s life as they grow in Christ and mature in community with leaders and peers. Our hope is to see your child trust Jesus and grow in dependence on Him.


Northwest does this by providing a roadmap to help parents and kids understand pivotal developmental and theological growth areas at each stage of their life.  Each ministry provides lessons and resources for families to help foster conversations around typical life stages that a child will face. These resources are aimed to help both parent and child understand what the Bible teaches and how they can respond.  Parent resources are given to foster deeper conversations at home. Our hope is that as a child moves through our ministry, they will be fully equipped to navigate adulthood with a deep relationship with Jesus and a Biblical worldview.


You can see the full Northwest Family Ministry strategy in its entirety here:




Learn more:

Preschool  |  Elementary  |  Middle School  |  High School

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