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this spring

Our corporate New Year's resolution for 2025 is to engage in our vision of having surprisingly easy-to-start conversations about Jesus all over our city because we are convinced, where God has us is where Jesus is. Will you join us?

Discovery Experience | Beginning Feb. 2

Discovery Experience is an eight-week journey designed to help people answer the question: "How is God uniquely calling me to invite people into conversations about Jesus?"


Connect with us! 

Need help getting connected here at Northwest? Fill out our connect card so we can help you plug into the life of our church. Someone will be in touch with you very soon!

Welcome Lunch | Sunday, January 12, February 23, March 30, and May 18, 11:45 AM–1:30 PM

New(er) to Northwest? Come and hear the heart of Northwest as we enjoy community and a meal together. Gather for a fun time and hear from others how God has impacted their lives through Northwest Bible Church. We will discuss what makes Northwest unique and how you can find a place here. Learn more here!

Explore Groups | Sunday, January 26 and March 23, 10:35 AM–12 PM

God created us for community. We believe we’re better together by growing in Christ! Discover what groups at Northwest are like, including different ways to get involved. Learn more here!

Membership Class | Sundays, February 2 – March 2, 9–10:15 AM

Every Christ-follower is part of the universal Body of Christ (Eph 3:6) and our hope and expectation based upon His Word (James 5:13-16) is that every believer will be a member of the local church. Through our 5-week membership class, we aim to equip potential members with a solid theological foundation and opportunity to grow in community at Northwest. Learn more here!


connect & grow with our entire church family


Talking to God | New sermon series starting January 5

Prayer is a vital practice for all believers. It is a source of strength and guidance as we navigate life's circumstances. Through prayer, we can approach God with our hopes, fears, questions, and gratitude. Prayer allows us to be honest with our Creator and become desperately dependent on Him. In this series, we will grow and learn to pray together, experiencing God’s hope and healing in the process. We’ve developed a 9-week study guide to correspond with this series that we hope you’ll go through in community with your small group, or on your own. Pick one up on Sundays in the foyer beginning December 29! If you’re interested in finding a small group, join us for Explore Groups on January 26!

Join us on Sundays each week at 9 or 10:35 a.m.

Join a small group!

We believe we are better together by growing in Christ! We have groups that are centered around life stages as well as those that span different generations. Meeting day/time/location vary throughout the week based on each group. Join us at Explore Groups to hear our vision for groups and how to get connected – learn more here!

Wednesday Night Dinners | Wednesdays starting January 8, 5:15–6:30 PM

Connect with our Northwest community weekly through a casual, family-style dinner on campus in our Christian Life Center. Dinners are $10 for adults and $5 for children. Learn more here!

Discover how you can serve refugees as part of our corporate divine platform*!

Check out our Northwest Community Center website. Serve on various days and times each week through programs like these: Youth program, Youth Tutoring, After-School Homework Help, Women's Conversation Club, Women's Bible Story Conversation, Men's Conversation Hour, Resource Distribution (and Prep!), and Baby Showers. Join us as we aid, empower, and invite refugees into new life through Jesus!

*Learn more about divine platforms and the vision that drives us as a Northwest church family!

We're excited to offer the Perspectives course at the Northwest Community Center!

Perspectives is a fifteen-lesson discipleship course exploring different aspects of God’s global purpose in a multi-faceted learning experience. The course examines the story of God fulfilling His promises from four vantage points or “perspectives” — Biblical, Historical, Cultural, and Strategic. Learn more and register here!

Explore Groups | Sunday, March 23, 10:35 AM–12 PM

God created us for community. We believe we’re better together by growing in Christ! Discover what groups at Northwest are like, including different ways to get involved. Learn more here!

Explore Serving | Sunday, March 16, 10:35 AM–12 PM

We’re called to be the hands and feet of Jesus and serve inside and outside the church walls. Discover how God has called you to bless others! Learn more here!


Heart2Heart Women's Mentoring | Various times and locations

We aim to encourage women’s spiritual growth through supportive relationships with sisters in Christ (Titus 2:3-5). Mentoring partners will seek to develop a friendship and encourage each other. Register now to be a mentor or to be paired with one! Register here to be a mentor or be paired with one!

Women's Spring Bible Study Groups | Beginning Wednesday, January 8, 6:30PM and Thursday, January 9, 9:3011 AM

Join us for our churchwide study, Talking to God, and discover more about finding strength and guidance through prayer. Find community with other women as we study Scripture, discuss in small groups, pray together, and listen to teaching. Learn more about Wednesday nights here and Thursday mornings here!

Women's Day Retreat | Saturday, March 29, 10 AM–7 PM

Jen Wilkin will speak on "Light of the World: His Promise, Our Calling." Come for a day of excellent teaching, spiritual renewal, fellowship, and workshops given by women of Northwest. More info coming soon!

Men's Mentoring Triads

If you’re interested in entering into a life-transforming relationship with other men through intergenerational triads, please fill out the interest form. Triads meet at various times and locations to better accommodate your schedule. Learn more here!

Men's Spring Groups | Various Times & Locations

No man is an island. Even Jesus surrounded Himself with a close group of men. Men’s small groups are where iron sharpens iron. We have groups that meet on our Northwest campus as well as in homes across our city. To begin connecting with other Christian men, register for our Explore Groups event here!

Men's Winter Retreat | January 24–25, Camp Lakeview, Waxahachie, TX

Join us for a 24 hour Northwest Men’s retreat at Camp Lakeview in Waxahachie, TX. This is a chance to pull away and bond with other men of Northwest while reflecting on who God is calling you to be in this season. Early Bird Pricing: $100 until December 31. Regular Pricing: $125 until January 21. Registration required.

Men's Breakfast | 3rd Thursday of every month starting January 16, 7–8 AM

Join other men at Northwest once a month for breakfast as we discuss what it means to be men of courage in our world today. Learn more here!

Event Header_BBQ_

Men's BBQ & Bags | Sunday, March 23, 3:30–7:30 PM

Enjoy an afternoon of fellowship, fun, and amazing food! Grab a partner and join us for our annual cornhole tournament and BBQ cookoff. Cost: $20 per person. Childcare available. Registration required. More info coming soon!

Women's Galentines Gathering | Friday, February 7, 7–8:30 PM

You're invited for dessert, conversation, and connection in homes around the Dallas area. Register to attend at a host home near you to get to know Northwest women in your community, or with friends you'd like to get to know better. Learn more here!


Children's Ministry Midweek | Wednesdays, beginning January 8, 6:30–8 PM

Midweek is coming back! Each Wednesday night during the spring semester, kids from birth - 5th grade can join us in worshiping Jesus, learning practical lessons about our faith, and building relationships with others! Learn more here!

Children's Baptism Class | Sunday, March 2, 10:35 AM–1 PM

Is your child interested in baptism? This class is designed to help your kids navigate their big questions and prayerfully take a step closer to making a decision about their salvation and baptism. Learn more here!

Creating Family Time With God | Sunday, April 27, 9–10 AM

Learn about different tools and resources that can help you foster intentional, meaningful family time in the busyness of daily life! This will also be a great time to connect with other parents who are walking the same path as you! Learn more here!

Middle School SWERVE | Wednesdays, beginning January 8, 6:30–8 PM

Middle school midweek (Swerve) is a Wednesday night gathering of 6-8 graders where we play games, eat free food, win prizes, and learn more about God! Bring your friends and join us each Wednesday this spring. Learn more here!

High School Midweek | Wednesdays, beginning January 8, 6:30–8 PM

Join us Wednesday nights this spring to hang out with friends, get into the Word, and have fun! This is a great time for connection and growth! The community on Wednesday nights is unmatched. Learn more here!

Middle School Breakouts | January 19 & 26, February 2 & 9,10:35 AM

Join us for four Sundays of grade-specific breakout sessions! 6th graders will learn how to have a quiet time, 7th graders will go through a sex and dating series, and 8th graders will study apologetics! Your student will not want to miss these four weeks of middle school breakouts during student service! Learn more about Sunday morning middle school ministry here!

Students | Girl's Yoga | May 10, 10 AM–12 PM

Join us for brunch, coffee, and yoga! Spend quality time with your mother/daughter, recharging and relaxing in the spring sunshine. We can't wait to see you there! Learn more here!

High School Winter WKND | February 14–17

High school students, 9-12th grade, are headed to Broken Bow, Oklahoma to enjoy the cooler weather, hiking, adventure and a time to slow down and connect with friends! Learn more here!


Parents' Night Out | Friday, February 14, 6–8:30 PM

Mark your calendars — Parents' Night Out is coming back! Drop your kids off at the church for an evening of food, games, and fun while you take some time to go on a date, do some shopping, or stay at home and watch a movie! Learn more here!


The Well | 1st & 3rd Tuesdays each Month starting January 21, 7 PM

Come gather in the Theater on campus with other young adults in their 20s and early 30s at The Well for a time of life-giving worship, fellowship, and teaching. Learn more here!

Socials | Various Times & Locations

Gather with other young adults for fun and fellowship! Save the date for the following events:

Galentines/Palentines | February 8
Spring Retreat | April 26
Memorial Day Picnic | May 26

Small Groups | Various times & locations

Grow your community with other young adults by studying the Word of God and doing life together. Groups meet on various days and times to better fit your schedule. Join us at Explore Groups to hear our vision for groups and how to get connected – learn more here!


Re|Engage | Thursdays beginning January 16, 6:30–8 PM

re|engage is a safe place to concentrate on deepening a marriage by bringing couples together to learn about God’s design for marriage and applying biblical principles for building a healthy relationship. It is a marriage-enrichment program not only for couples whose marriages need to be reignited, but also for those who are looking for intentional investment. Learn more here!

Marriage Prep Weekend | Saturday, February 22, 9 AM–3 PM

Whether you're engaged or seriously dating, we invite you to join other couples as we prepare you for life after "I do". This unique retreat experience is designed to help couples address topics they will likely face throughout marriage and equip them with tools to navigate their first year. Learn more here!


Senior Adult Bible Study | 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Tuesday of every month beginning January 7, 10 AM–1 PM

Join us as we discuss topics regarding faith, aging, and the truth of Scripture. Our hope is to grow older, wiser, and more faithful as we study God’s Word together. Lunch is optional for $5; rsvp recommended. Learn more here!

3 Score Monthly Luncheon | 4th Tuesday of every month beginning January 23, 11:30 AM–1:30 PM

Senior adults are invited to join us for lunch and a time of encouragement, Christ-centered fellowship, and inspiration. RSVP requested. Learn more here!


Celebrate Recovery | 12-step Discipleship Groups

Ongoing groups providing encouragement, support, truth, and community during times of struggle, transition, or ongoing growth. We will meet Thursdays this Spring from 6:45–9 p.m in the Christian Life Center. Learn more here!

Grief Share | Thursdays beginning January 23, 6:30–8 PM

Grief Share is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone. Learn more here!

Pure Desire | Recovery and Betrayal Groups

Experience the transformative power of purity with Pure Desire Ministries! Our mission is to provide a safe haven for individuals seeking freedom from the grip of addiction, healing from past wounds, and restoration of God’s design for purity in relationships and sexuality. Through our faith-based programs and groups, discover a community dedicated to walking alongside you on your journey toward wholeness and redemption. Learn more here!

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