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We Resolve

“For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.” –1 Corinthians 2:2



God doesn’t change. His Word doesn’t shift with the culture. And based on His Word, we hold to four core values that guide our interactions — as disciples of Jesus — interactions within our church body and with the community around us:

  • God’s Truth Over our Opinion
  • God’s People Over our Programs
  • God’s Healing Over our Hiding
  • God’s Mission Over our Comfort

These values continually call us back to center, bring our focus back to Jesus in the midst of all the crazy, uncomfortable, culture-shifting circumstances that continue to swirl around us.

Our intention is not to fight the culture, but to invite the culture into conversations. Our final authority is not a blog post or a Facebook page. It’s God’s Word. It might not give us the answers we want or that we’re looking for, but it will always provide a starting point first for how we live our lives and direction for difficult conversations.

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