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Advent is a season of remembrance and waiting during the season leading up to Christmas Eve. The word advent comes from a Latin word meaning “coming” or “arrival.” As believers in Jesus, we live between the two advents of Christ – his first coming into this world to save us from our sins, and his future coming as the triumphant King of kings at the end of history.

The 2021 Advent theme is “Born to Die, Born to Rise”

Because the book of Matthew begins with the Star of Bethlehem pointing the wise men to Jesus and later shows Jesus foreshadowing his own death and resurrection. Even Isaiah 53 points to Jesus as the suffering servant who was born to die for the sins of many and restore us to life.

Through this Advent sermon series, we reflect together on God’s master plan to redeem all that is lost, to undo all that is evil, to restore all that is broken, through sending a baby into the midst of it all to save the very people who despised and rejected Him. Jesus our King, sent as a baby born to die – for us, and all those in need of a Savior.

This Advent series will help you focus your attention on the true meaning of the season – Jesus.

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