John Boynton
John Boynton
Myra and I have been at Northwest since 1972. We have 3 adult sons and 9 grandchildren, all in the Dallas area. I have been an Elder since 1979, and that has been my main involvement over the years. I have also served on the Finance Committee, in High School ministry and as a Young Couples group facilitator. Myra has been active in Women's Ministry for many years, especially in the Heart to Heart Ministry.
John Gajdica
John Gajdica
My wife, Suzanne, and I have attended Northwest since 2010. We have two adult children, Brittany and Brooke, both of whom are married, and two grandchildren. My involvement at Northwest includes staff oversight, serving on the Outreach committee, and serving on the leadership team for the annual Guatemala mission trip.
John Gilbert
John Gilbert
My wife, Amy, and I have attended Northwest since 1994. We have two grown children we raised at Northwest – Joshua and Ben. My involvement at Northwest includes Outreach committee, and developing mission partnerships in Russia, Kazakhstan, and Cuba.
Andrew Guthrie
Andrew Guthrie
My wife, Bailey, and I have attended Northwest since 2012. We have two young kids, Wyatt and Ruthie Jane (we call her RJ). My involvement in the church has included serving in the youth ministry, Group Life leadership, ESL classes in Vickery, and children’s ministry.
Brad Hairston
Brad Hairston
My wife, Connie, and I have attended Northwest since 1990. We have two adult sons, Justin and Garrett, both of whom were raised at Northwest. My involvement at the church includes small group leadership, Discovery Experience facilitation, children’s ministry, men’s mentoring, and serving on the leadership team for the annual Guatemala mission trip.
Neil Tomba
Senior Pastor
Neil Tomba
Senior Pastor
Email: ntomba@northwestbible.org
Phone: 469-453-7700
Have you heard the “turtle on the fence post” saying? It goes like this: if you’re walking along a fence and spot a turtle sitting atop a fencepost, you know it didn’t get there by itself. In 1996, after graduating from Dallas Theological Seminary, God placed me on the staff of Northwest Bible Church as Minister to Singles. In February 2001, He put me in the position of Senior Pastor. I am grateful to serve and walk alongside a church body and staff where we are desperately dependent on Him.
I had a train wreck with the grace of Jesus when I was an Electrical Engineering student at Louisiana State University (home of the Fighting Tigers). During that time, I was surrounded by followers of Jesus who were convinced that life, love, and service to others flowed out of their communion with Jesus. My wife was one of those people I saw running hard after Jesus. I couldn’t resist. We married in 1983 and have three adult daughters, one son-in-law, and three grandchildren.
As a desperately dependent follower of Jesus, my passion is to invite others into the unexpected joy of life with Him. My favorite place to hang out with others as we hang out with Jesus is outdoors in God’s creation. I like biking, hiking, camping, taking pictures, and eating a good steak.
Robin Wantland
Robin Wantland
My wife, Diane, and I have attended Northwest since 1980. We have four children and eight grandchildren. My involvement at Northwest includes men's ministry, re|engage, small group leadership, finance committee, crown ministries, mentoring, deacon program, and serving twice as interim Executive Pastor.
Adult Ministries
Laura Rose Brillon
Connecting Minister
Laura Rose Brillon
Connecting Minister
Email: lbrillon@northwestbible.org
Angela Cirocco
Group Life Minister
Angela Cirocco
Group Life Minister
Email: acirocco@northwestbible.org
It is a dream come true for me to serve as the Group Life Minister here at Northwest Bible Church. I was born and raised in Buffalo, NY, where I worked as a Registered Nurse in various capacities for many years with my longest and favorite stint being in Labor and Delivery. As I served my church as a volunteer in Women’s Ministry, I felt God’s call to pursue further Biblical education. I moved to Dallas in 2016 to attend Dallas Theological Seminary and began attending Northwest shortly thereafter.
I was raised in a Christian home and accepted Christ as my Savior at 6 years old. As I grew physically, so did my faith. I loved Jesus and sought to share the love he had shown me to my family, friends, coworkers, and patients. At church I served in children’s, youth, and women’s ministry. But at thirty years old, I hit a crossroads in my faith. My life looked nothing like I planned, my health failed, and some Christians hurt me deeply. I felt like God turned his back on me. Yet as I stewed in my anger, Jesus gently showed me the truth of who he is: Good, Loving, Gracious, and Merciful. My lament gave way to awe and deep love for the God of Grace. He used this time to show me my desperate need for his grace and strength every single day.
I love to eat and travel, in that order. Mountains, oceans, lakes, cities, missions trips—I love exploring all God made. But a good travel experience better involve excellent food! God knew I needed Tex-Mex in my life when he moved me to Texas, and I can eat it for every meal. I like discovering new restaurants in Dallas, preferably over belly-laughs and deep conversation with good friends.
Betsy Cruz
Women's Minister
Betsy Cruz
Women's Minister
Email: bcruz@northwestbible.org
I count it a privilege and joy to serve as Women’s Minister at Northwest! Seeing women grow as leaders who influence those around them for Jesus thrills my heart. I know what it’s like to trust God one minute and be filled with fear and anxiety the next, but reading God’s Word each day transforms my thoughts and renews my hope. For this reason, my deepest joy comes from encouraging other women to seek to know God better through the Scriptures so they can trust Him more fully.
Prior to my current role, I served as a refugee ministry leader at the Northwest Community Center. I first committed to follow Jesus my freshman year in college when girls in my dorm invited me to a Bible study and shared the gospel with me. Since then, I’ve experienced the unexpected joy of desperate dependence on Jesus during a journey that included serving as a missionary in Central America 7 years and in Turkey 18 years.
My husband Jose and I have two young adult children who were born in El Salvador and grew up in Turkey. Our family speaks 3 languages, enjoys travel, and loves international foods. I enjoy writing, taking my white Malti-poo for walks in the park, and drinking chai with Muslim friends.
Ira Dixon
Group Life Ministry Assistant
Ira Dixon
Group Life Ministry Assistant
Email: idixon@northwestbible.org
I am so thrilled that God has led me to be the Group Life Ministry Assistant. I was born in Manila and raised in Madrid. Since I grew up in a large family (one of five siblings), I enjoy being around people and spending quality time together. I grew up attending Immanuel Baptist Church where I met my husband, Michael, and also the place where I accepted Jesus to be my Savior with my family and friends as witnesses. In a big step of faith, I left the life I knew behind and moved to Dallas at the end of 2022 after getting married in Madrid. It was the start of a new stage of life, new country, new job! Northwest Bible Church has definitely helped me a lot during this big transition. A passage in the Bible where I continuously find encouragement is Philippians 4:6-7. I am in awe of the amazing things God has done in my life because He is a good Father. Through many challenges and blessings, He has constantly shown His faithfulness and love to me. Because I have lived in different countries, I find joy in learning languages, traveling, and taking photos everywhere I go. Although I miss my family and friends in Spain, I am excited to meet new people and see what God has in store for me wherever He leads me.
Alexis Kelton
Women’s Ministry Administrative Assistant
Alexis Kelton
Women’s Ministry Administrative Assistant
Email: akelton@northwestbibible.org
I'm grateful to serve as the Women’s Ministry Administrative Assistant at Northwest. I grew up in Austin, TX and went to college at Texas Tech University. My favorite verses (currently) are 1 Thessalonians 4:11-18. I am married with 1 son and hopefully more in the future. And I love listening to podcasts, going on picnics, and hosting people in my home.
Cecili Kennedy
Care Ministry Administrative Assistant
Cecili Kennedy
Care Ministry Administrative Assistant
Email: ckennedy@northwestbible.org
It is the most wonderful gift to get to serve Northwest as the Care Ministry Assistant!
My husband and I moved from East Texas to the big city of Dallas in the summer of 2023, and God has changed our lives here. To tell you my story I want to share two of my favorite verses. Firstly, Hebrews 4:14-16, “For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin. 16 Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need”. Secondly, Psalm 30:11- 12 “You have turned for me my mourning into dancing; you have loosed my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness, that my glory may sing your praise and not be silent”. I spent a lot of my life before Christ, hidden. Hidden from people and trying to hide from God. I did not believe God was willing to take everything about my life, the broken and the whole, and now I can’t be silent about that! When I’m not at Northwest you can find me somewhere painting!
David Rogers
Care Minister
David Rogers
Care Minister
Email: drogers@northwestbible.org
It is a great blessing to serve our church as the Care Minister. As our church embraces brokenness, I seek to lead our care teams in responding to the needs that often accompany it. I have attended Northwest for several years and joined the staff in 2012. After graduating from Dallas Theological Seminary and developing a counseling practice, the Care ministry is a wonderful place to put my skills and gifts to work for the Kingdom.
I was raised in a Christian home and grew up in church in Brownwood, Texas. I accepted Christ as a teenager but kept God at arm’s length for many years. After college at Baylor, I returned home to run the family business. I began serving at a church there, and enjoyed almost 20 years of slow but steady spiritual growth before moving to Dallas. At Northwest, my spiritual life spiked as my family and I became involved in a small group for the first time. Some of the greatest blessings in my life are a direct result of relationships developed there and the way God revealed Himself in the midst of life with those people.
I may be known best for my accent, bringing a little bit of the country to the big city. I love watching movies and playing games with my wife and son. I enjoy backpacking - my son and I are still working on Mom. When I’m not reading something, I’m writing something. A passage that has greatly influenced my ministry is Gen. 2:18, the first crisis in scripture.
Dane Salter
Young Adults & Men's Minister
Dane Salter
Young Adults & Men's Minister
Email: dsalter@northwestbible.org
I became a part of the Northwest ministry family in July of 2019. My wife and I moved from Louisiana to Dallas to attend Dallas Theological Seminary, however, it was the love and community of Northwest that made Dallas feel like home. In 2018 I took part in Northwest’s Residency Program and now, it is my joy to serve in Northwest’s mission to invite people into the unexpected joy of desperate dependence on Jesus as the Young Adults and Men's Minister.
Doing the right thing always seemed to come naturally to me. Growing up in a Christian home, I prided myself on being the “good kid” that other parents used as an example. It wasn’t until my junior year in high school that God began to reveal how my outward behavior was merely a smokescreen to cover up a desperate longing for something more, something that could only be found in a relationship with Him. When I went to college, I set off on an adventure to understand the depths of God’s love, the beauty of His grace, and the life-altering fulfillment found only in knowing Him. It is my joy to be a traveling companion for others on their own journeys to know the one true Hero of all stories. My great hope is to embolden the faith of others as we travel down the road of life together.
In my free time I’ll either be sweating in the gym or relaxing with my wife, Kacy, watching Neflix. I love reading, watching, or listening to grand stories and enjoy good conversation over great food. If you need someone to go to lunch with, I’m your guy.
Shannon Sciandra
Groups Director
Shannon Sciandra
Groups Director
Email: ssciandra@northwestbible.org
I was born and raised in Dallas and am excited to be the Groups Director at Northwest! At the age of 6, I understood my deep need for Jesus as my savior. I still remember that moment of my salvation, knowing that Jesus was my one true hope in the midst of this broken world. At the age of 16, I felt God calling me to full time ministry and upon graduation from high school, pursued a degree in Christian Studies from Dallas Baptist University. During college I had my eyes opened to what He was doing among the nations and after graduation spent a year overseas doing mission work. When I returned stateside, I went on staff with East-West Ministries International and served with them for 4 years before coming to Northwest. My favorite scripture is John 10:10, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” This verse reminds me that even though I see the enemy doing lots of destroying, Jesus has come to give life and He will always be the conqueror over that destruction. My husband and I were married in October 2020 and we have a sweet little dog, Kowe, whom we love! If I am not hosting an event you can usually find me spending time with family, playing board games, doing puzzles, traveling, antiquing, or exploring new food.
Family Life
Cara Alexander
Preschool Ministry Director
Cara Alexander
Preschool Ministry Director
Email: calexander@northwestbible.org
I love Northwest Bible Church, especially everything Early Childhood/Preschool! I first started working for Northwest Preschool the week before Thanksgiving of 2018, and I thought I was just filling in for a month, but here I am a few years later as Assistant Preschool Director. I love children and families and strongly believe in Christian preschool and the lifelong impact it has.
I've been married for over 25 years and we have a son, Noah who is interested in engineering, and a daughter, Lauren who i studying art. It is my pleasure being a wife and mother and I enjoy almost everything about it! One of my favorite verses is Isaiah 61:7 “Instead of your shame you will receive a double portion, and instead of disgrace you will rejoice in your inheritance. And so you will inherit a double portion in your land, and everlasting joy will be yours.” Every time I read it, my heart fills with joy and my eyes with tears. I have overcome many obstacles and had a rough childhood, and God has absolutely given me so much more than I ever prayed for.
I am a first-generation high school graduate and much of my education has been on the job, though I did complete my Associates degree at Dallas Community College and I'm currently working on my bachelor’s degree in Biblical Studies through Houston Baptist University. I am excited about the future and know for sure that where I am is where God has me, and I am blessed to be here.
Ashlyn Bartel
Student Ministry Administrative Assistant
Ashlyn Bartel
Student Ministry Administrative Assistant
Email: abartel@northwestbible.org
In August 2022, I joined Northwest as the Student Ministry Admin Assistant, and I'm blessed to work on this team! I grew up in the Kansas City area and moved around a bit before landing in Dallas a few years ago. I am currently attending Dallas Theological Seminary pursuing an MA degree in Biblical Counseling. I grew up in the church, became a Christian at a young age, and God has taught me time and again throughout my life that He is the one who prepares my path and guides my steps. I've found that the plans I make for my life are nothing compared to what He has for me. He has also shown me that as I seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, everything that I need will be provided for me, so I do not need to worry about what tomorrow might bring (Matthew 6). I am passionate about music and reading and sharing those things with the people in my life.
Ellen Carmack
Student Ministry Coordinator
Ellen Carmack
Student Ministry Coordinator
Email: ecarmack@northwestbible.org
I’m incredibly excited to serve as Student Ministry Coordinator here at Northwest! I grew up in Colorado with my wonderful parents and four older siblings. I accepted Jesus as my Savior at the age of five years old. However, I struggled with perfectionism and legalistic beliefs as I got older. It seemed the harder I strived for perfection, the less attainable it became. Doubts crept in; I began to question if the journey with Jesus was worth the struggle until I encountered Hebrews 4:14-16. When I stumbled upon this passage, I encountered the life-changing mercy and steadfast love of Jesus, and suddenly the burden of perfectionism fell off my shoulders. At 17 years old, I found a passion for theology and a renewed commitment to follow Him. I moved to Dallas in August of 2023 to attend Dallas Baptist University. I plan to graduate with a Bachelor of Arts in English in May of 2025. In my free time, I love camping, hiking, baking, and playing the violin. I'm eager to bring my experiences and passion for student ministry to the Northwest community!
David Huey
Family Life Minister
David Huey
Family Life Minister
Email: dhuey@northwestbible.org
I joined the Northwest staff in October of 2020 as the Family Life Minister. After serving as a missionary and on staff at three churches since 2001, I am happy to be a part of what God is doing here in the Northwest family! Growing up in Memphis, I did not grow up in a home where Jesus was present. After finding myself in and out of trouble, God took control of my life and allowed me to meet an intentional youth pastor and students who invested in me. At 15 years old, God radically changed my life as I surrendered my life to Him and began to understand His grace and love! I was blessed enough to be a part of leading my mom to the Lord and helping my dad commit to a church once again! At 17, I knew God was calling me to serve Him for the rest of my life vocationally. My story has been and continues to be a story of grace – I have never deserved what God has done in my life and how He continues to use me, yet time after time, I find myself being blessed to be a part of His plan! A passage that has always resonated with me is John 3:30 – He (Jesus) must increase, but I must decrease. My hope is that people see Jesus in me more today than yesterday! When we have free time my wife Amy, and our two kids, Eli and Emma love camping, being outdoors, and eating tacos. I love coaching my kid’s sports teams, playing guitar, and being disappointed by Tennessee Vols Football.
Susanna Lewis
Children's Minister
Susanna Lewis
Children's Minister
Department: Family
Email: slewis@northwestbible.org
In September 2022, I joined the staff at Northwest as the Children’s Minister! I was born in Guatemala and adopted as a baby. I was raised in a Christian home, grew up in the church, and became a believer at a young age. I went to Moody Bible Institute where I got my degree in Children’s Ministry. After graduation, I had the privilege of returning to serve on staff at the church that raised me. Children’s Ministry in the local church has always been my passion, and there is such joy in discipling the next generation. It is only by God’s good grace and faithfulness that I am who I am today. In high school and college, I found satisfaction in the world and sought to please people out of fear of rejection. These days, I am reminded of Ephesians 2:10 "I am a masterpiece, created by God to do good works." I also have a heart for children in the foster care system, being both a CASA worker and a respite worker through CPS. On my days off, I spend time in creation, whether that's a State Park, hiking, fishing at a lake, camping, or just going for a drive with the windows down.
Sarah Makasini
Middle School Minister
Sarah Makasini
Middle School Minister
Email: smakasini@northwestbible.org
In October 2021, I joined staff on the student ministry team at Northwest Bible Church, just a month after getting married. I love dogs, traveling, Mexican food, and spending time with my people. I was born and raised in Grapevine, TX. My husband is Tongan (pacific islander) and moved here in 2015. He plays rugby, and I played soccer my entire life through college. Although I grew up in church, I really understood God's grace at a church camp the summer before my 7th grade year. Through a series of difficult circumstances in my home in my middle school years, God showed me what He meant when He said, “the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” (Deuteronomy 31:6). I felt called into ministry at that same church camp going into my sophomore year of high school. God did so much in my life through student ministry and my leaders that I am now passionate about passing that on to students today.
Patricia Martell
Weekday Preschool Director
Patricia Martell
Weekday Preschool Director
Email: pmartell@northwestbible.org
I am so thrilled to be serving as the Preschool Director here at Northwest. I joined the staff in November of 2014, after serving as the Director of the Hyde Park Preschool in Austin for eight years, and Director of Windsor Park Preschool in DeSoto for 3 years. I began serving in Weekday Ministry when my oldest son was a preschooler.
I was fortunate to grow up in a Christian home and attend a Christian school. I trusted Jesus as my savior as a child but continue to grow in my faith each day. I have a passion for Weekday Ministry and serving families through this ministry. I also love empowering the teachers to serve the Lord to the best of their abilities!
I enjoy spending time with my husband Steve, and our three boys. I love sewing, crafting and fixing things. I love cheering on my Fightin’ Texas Aggies in football and watching television and movies with my family. My life verse is Jeremiah 29:11, as I know that God gives us a hope and future!
Jake Murphy
Student Minister
Jake Murphy
Student Minister
Email: jmurphy@northwestbible.org
I'm excited to serve at Northwest as the Student Minister! I have been at Northwest since July of 2021 and absolutely love it here! My time in student ministry as a student was an incredibly influential time in my life, as it is for many. The summer before going into high school I got saved at youth camp and my life forever changed. I heard the truths of Psalm 139 and realized how much God knew and loved me, despite my sin. My youth group and youth pastor were an incredible foundation to help encourage, direct, and mold my faith. This is why I am so passionate and excited about student ministry and am thrilled about the incredible opportunity here at Northwest to serve students. While I was in high school, I met my now wife, Murphy. Yes, that’s right, her name is Murphy Murphy. We were high school sweethearts, in youth group together, went to college together, and got married after I graduated college. Murphy is just as passionate about student ministry as I am. We make a great team and are pumped about sharing Jesus with a generation that desperately needs Him. In our free time, we love spending time with friends and family, watching sports, traveling the world, and making memories! I am so excited about what God is doing here at Northwest in student ministry. I truly believe this generation could bring about a revival-type impact to our culture and our city. Let’s pray for that!
Taylor Ray
Elementary Ministry Director
Taylor Ray
Elementary Ministry Director
Email: tray@northwestbible.org
I am so excited to be the Elementary Ministry Director at Northwest! I grew up in Houston, TX and moved to Dallas in 2014 to attend the University of Dallas to play college soccer. After my freshman year I felt a calling to pursue vocational children’s ministry, so the next year I transferred to Dallas Baptist University to pursue a degree in Christian Studies. During those college years I began to serve in various children’s ministry programs and learned so much about teaching God’s word to others! Kid’s ministry is my biggest passion because when I was a kid, I didn’t know God in the way I do now. At a young age I knew of God but I had no idea what it meant to have a relationship with Him or that He was a loving, good God. I thought God was just this big figure in the sky that watched the world from afar. It wasn’t until the summer before my senior year of high school, after years of struggling with depression, fear, and loneliness that I learned God’s true character and began a true relationship with Him. I pray that every child that comes through this church body will learn about and experience that same love from our heavenly father! In my free time I still love to play soccer and other active games like spike ball or pickleball. I also love carpentry and will often spend entire weekends in my garage-turned-workshop building a new project.
Savannah Shelton
Family Ministry Assistant
Savannah Shelton
Family Ministry Assistant
Email: sshelton@northwestbible.org
I am so thankful to be serving at Northwest as the Family Ministry Administrative Assistant! I grew up in a tiny community in Central Texas, and graduated from Stephen F. Austin with a degree in Creative Writing, which has always been my passion. Throughout college, and in the year after, God moved in my life and opened so many doors for me to witness and work within different children’s ministries — as a camp staffer, a volunteer, and even a curriculum writer — and gave me a heart for it as well. One verse that’s continually given me hope during seasons of anxiety, exhaustion, and uncertainty is Psalm 27:13, where King David says, “I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.” It’s a beautiful reminder that even in our darkest hours, we know God has light in store for us ahead!
Jason Steele
Student Ministry Worship Leader
Jason Steele
Student Ministry Worship Leader
Email: jsteele@northwestbible.org
I'm excited to be the Student Ministry Worship Leader at Northwest! I started playing music at a young age and began leading worship in middle school. I accepted Jesus as my savior and was baptized at the age of 6. As I got older, I struggled to know what direction God was calling me to. It wasn’t until I started a worship internship that I truly felt God calling me to pursue a career in worship. The verse that I have always felt most connected to is Micah 6:8, which tells us to “…do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God”. In my free time, I enjoy spending time with friends and family, playing and watching sports, playing games, and playing music!
Kelli York
Weekday Preschool Assistant Director
Kelli York
Weekday Preschool Assistant Director
Email: kyork@northwestbible.org
I am so excited to join the Northwest team as the Weekday Preschool Assistant Director. As a child I grew up in the church but after moving many times as I got older it seemed difficult to find a place where our whole family fit. After moving back to Dallas in August 2011, we visited Northwest Bible Church, and we knew it was a good fit for us. As a stay-at-home mom for many years, my decision to step back into the work environment came with many concerns and doubts, but I looked into available jobs at Northwest and accepted a position as an assistant teacher in the preschool which gave me the opportunity to work with children, be around other people and also to be available for my own children when it was necessary. After working in the preschool for six years in the 3’s class, I have now stepped into a new role in a place and with people I love. When I am not at work, I enjoy being outdoors, traveling and being with my husband, daughter (currently at Oklahoma State University), and son (currently a junior in high school). Looking back over the years of my life, I always come back to Philippians 4: 6-7 “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Jesus Christ.” No matter where life takes me, the choices I have made, the paths I have chosen, I can always pray about my worries, fears, and be thankful for where I am today.
Julia Bigelow
Outreach Ministry Assistant
Julia Bigelow
Outreach Ministry Assistant
Email: jbigelow@northwestbible.org
I have had the privilege of serving Northwest as the Outreach Ministry Assistant since 2017. I've been working in ministry support for over 15 years. I enjoy being behind the scenes and preparing the details so that loving God and loving others can happen more easily for everyone. My favorite part of ministry is taking an idea and figuring out how to make it happen.
My relationship with Jesus began when I was in high school and it's amazing to look through the years at how God continues to draw me to Himself using every aspect of my life- nothing has been wasted!
I am married to Josh and we spend a lot of our free time in the cheering section while our teens and tween practice and perform their various talents. Most recently, we traded sleep for snuggles with our baby girl born in late 2022.
Burim Bytyqi
Refugee Ministry Leader
Burim Bytyqi
Refugee Ministry Leader
Email: bbytyqi@northwestbible.org
I was born and raised in southeastern Europe in a non-Christian home. I got born again at the age of 16. For the last 8 years my family and I have been serving alongside “Youth With A Mission” (YWAM) as fulltime missionaries here in the United States. I consider it a great blessing the opportunity to serve alongside the NCC team as a Refugee Leader, reaching out to the nations that God brought in our doorstep!
Jean Congera
Refugee Ministry Leader
Jean Congera
Refugee Ministry Leader
Email: jcongera@northwestbible.org
I’m honored to serve as a Refugee Ministry Leader here at Northwest Bible Church. In January 2007, I joined Northwest Bible Church after being resettled in USA from a life of Refugee camps. After being rescued by the Lord from many wars, I was very hungry to find a church where I could go and say thanks to God for His rescue. After getting connected with Northwest Bible church, I became the secretary of the African Refugees Fellowship which later became the African Missionary Fellowship. I joined the Northwest staff in 2012 as an Event Specialist, but I had a burning desire to help refugees more. Finally, on August 18, 2014, God gave me more time to save refugees, who are where I was many years ago. Prior to my current position, I was privileged to serve refugees when I was working at the International Rescue Committee in Dallas.
Although God rescued me from wars, I did not know what it meant to be a Christian. In 2005 God used His voice in miraculous way and I started believing in Him. After getting saved, I had a problem of thinking that I had to work hard to be accepted by God, but later I came to understand that my righteousness is through Jesus Christ alone, by God’s grace, and I surrendered everything to Him. Since then I am desperately depending on Jesus for everything, because apart from Jesus, I can do nothing.
I am married with two children, and I am blessed to have a large extended family living here in Dallas. My main dream is to share the message of grace to all I can. I feel like God has created me to preach the gospel to all. I am still serving in the African Missionary Fellowship as one of several leaders, and in my spare time I like to visit my relatives and friends. My favorite bible verse is Ephesians 2: 8-9 "For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast."
Jeff Cross
Refugee Ministry Director
Jeff Cross
Refugee Ministry Director
Email: jcross@northwestbible.org
I joined the team at Northwest Bible in August 2019 and am excited to serve as Interim Refugee Ministry Director at Northwest Community Center. In late 2007, I became friends with a refugee family from Togo. I continue to value my times of fellowship with them, from meals to school graduations. It is now my privilege to serve alongside a team of ministry leaders, volunteers and community partners to assist refugee families in their transition to a new life in Dallas.
After working more than twenty years in the corporate sector, I spent nine years in the nonprofit sector -- most recently serving as Director of Operations at an organization which helps adults achieve educational goals and attain financial stability.
I was raised in church, yet long held a belief that good works were necessary to enter heaven. I attended college at University of Texas-Arlington, where I enrolled in a Christian Evidences course my Freshman year. It was through that study that I gained an understanding of who Jesus is and accepted Him as my Lord and Savior. My enrollment in Bible Study Fellowship was instrumental in a growing relationship with God. After a few years I began serving as a BSF small group leader, and I was baptized at a Summer retreat. I began attending Northwest Bible Church, was plugged into an encouraging men’s small group, and became a member of the church. I have served on the Northwest Cares Committee, assisting families in our church body through short term financial challenges.
I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, following the “Big Four” professional sports teams in Dallas and attending UT-Arlington basketball games. Volunteer service is important to me, whether helping out at a local food pantry or facilitating a financial literacy course. I have a pitbull pup and enjoy walking her around our neighborhood on the westside of downtown Dallas. Micah 6:8 encourages me to pursue justice, extend kindness and to be humble as I serve our city.
Justin Gaspar
Outreach Minister
Justin Gaspar
Outreach Minister
Email: jgaspar@northwestbible.org
As Outreach Minister, I'm honored to lead staff and volunteers who impact the world with the hope of the Gospel. Northwest's outreach makes a real difference in real lives through the Northwest Community Center, our sports and fitness ministry, local community partnerships, and alongside global missionaries.
I became a follower of Jesus at an early age and my faith continued to grow at home. After college, I spent a year doing mission work in Spain and Russia, which ignited my passion for ministry. This led to partnering with parachurch organizations, marketplace ministry, serving in churches in Minnesota, and earning my masters in theology. God called our family to Northwest, which led us on a cross-country, mid-pandemic move to Dallas in December 2020. It's a joy to see people fall in love with Jesus and to help believers live out their call to love others well.
I enjoy spending time with my wife, Marit, and our three kids, Elise, Silas, and Jens. We thrive on exploring our surroundings through community events, parks, and museums. You can often find us cheering our kids on at a swim meet or baseball game, and we love all Minnesota sports. Go Vikings!
Katie Joy Irwin
Refugee Ministry Leader
Katie Joy Irwin
Refugee Ministry Leader
Email: kirwin@northwestbible.org
Hi! I'm Katie Joy, and I am one of the Refugee Ministry Leaders at the Northwest Community Center. Last year, God changed my path and called me out of a nursing career and into full time ministry with refugees in Vickery Meadow. Life in Vickery is the best, and I feel so honoured to get to do this work! Jesus saved me when I was four years old, and He has been faithful to love me and grow me through the ups and downs of life ever since. I've been attending Northwest since 2010, and learned about Vickery Meadow through the Young Adults ministry. I moved into Vickery for a couple of years, where my neighbours shared their stories with me and let me in on their experiences as refugees living in the United States. It's a joy to see God at work in Vickery, calling people to Himself from nations all over the world.
Brian Lonergan
Sports & Fitness Minister
Brian Lonergan
Sports & Fitness Minister
Email: blonergan@northwestbible.org
I am thrilled to serve as the Sports & Fitness Minister at Northwest since 2007 and that Northwest has been my church home for more than twenty years. In 2007, I transitioned out of the corporate world to focus my time fully on ministry to high school students. In 2013 I transitioned to the new role of Sports & Fitness Minister to develop the Sports & Fitness ministry where I get to combine my love for sports and fitness with my passion for outreach and discipleship.
Without outreach, I would have never known who Jesus was and without discipleship I would have never grown in my faith. When I was 15, I was introduced to Jesus through the outreach efforts of an old man who loved Jesus so much that he wanted to share Christ with everyone around him (whether he knew them or not). Knowing that athletes require more than just attention to their physical build, l am honored by the opportunity to address their spiritual needs as well. I strive to utilize the platform of sports and fitness to show and share the gospel and ultimately ignite the potential of athletes beyond the field of play.
Faith Michael
Refugee Ministry Leader
Faith Michael
Refugee Ministry Leader
Email: fmichael@northwestbible.org
It is an honor to serve as the Refugee Ministry Leader at Northwest Bible Church. Growing up surrounded by numerous cultures, the Lord stirred my heart for people of different backgrounds from a young age. In college, the Lord broke my heart for the nations and opened the door to proclaim Him all over the world. It is a humbling privilege to share the Good News message of salvation by grace through faith in Christ Jesus alone to a hurting world desperate for hope and yearning for truth. Through a sequence of God-ordained events, I came to Northwest after graduating from Dallas Theological Seminary. I was raised in a loving Christian home and accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior when I was four years old. Throughout the years, I have served in various ministry capacities from worship to young adults ministry and most recently, equipping and discipleship. I love to tell people that I am glad the Lord is writing my story because He is much more creative than I am! The verse which marks my life is Genesis 28:15, which highlights God’s steadfast character and faithful promise to be with me in all places and circumstances. I am passionate about connecting believers with those in their community, and the opportunity to love and serve the nations in our backyard is a blessing! Exploring God’s creation through action-packed activities such as scuba diving with sharks and zip lining in the middle of the jungle brings me immense joy! An avid traveler, my bags are always packed for the next adventure. In quiet moments, I enjoy reading mystery novels and solving logic puzzles. A music aficionado, I will often be found singing and jamming away on the piano. My daily prayer is for my every breath and heartbeat to bring glory to God!
Claudia Mutembei
Refugee Ministry Assistant
Claudia Mutembei
Refugee Ministry Assistant
Department: Outreach
Email: cmutembei@northwestbible.org
I am blessed to serve at the Northwest as the Refugee Ministry Assistant. In addition to that, I also serve as the Missions' Administrator. It was during my undergraduate studies at Pan Africa Christian University in Kenya that I fell in love with the world of non-profit. Being born and raised in Kenya developed a love in me for the the community's most vulnerable. In this role, I am honored to be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ. I started my journey of faith in 2010 after an existential crisis that resulted in wondering if there was more to life. This led to attending a 12-week discipleship program. After the 12 weeks, God got my attention and one year later, I said yes to the Lord Jesus Christ as my Savior. One of my favorite Bible verses, which for many may be a cliché, is Jeremiah 29:11 which has taught me that my plans are not my own, but of the Lord Jesus Christ. When I follow the path He has set for me, I prosper in joy, love and peace. I enjoy listening to music, edifying conversations and would give up a movie any day for a documentary.
Daniel Mutia
Refugee Ministry Leader
Daniel Mutia
Refugee Ministry Leader
Email: dmutia@northwestbible.org
My name is Daniel Mutia. I was born and raised in Kenya. I became a Christian in 1984 while I was in Junior high. The Lord gave me the grace to grow in him and called me to full-time ministry in October 1992. I have been in the church ministry in Kenya for over 20 years. After joining Dallas Theological Seminary for my graduate studies, I joined Northwest Bible Church in the summer of 2017.
I am privileged to be a local missionary at the Northwest Community Center to serve in the career development program. Seeing refugees' lives change through workforce development is a great honor.
Katy Nieman
Missions Minister
Katy Nieman
Missions Minister
Email: knieman@northwestbible.org
I am grateful to serve as the Missions Minister at Northwest! After working in the finance industry for eight years, I was thrilled to put my passion into my workplace and my career. When I was in high school, I began attending church because I loved the company of my friends that were there. In college I grew in my faith and my excitement for living out God’s great commission, participating in various mission trips to Boston, New York City and then Perth, Australia. In this role, I have loved further expanding my desire to bring the gospel to those who are looking for the truth, and equipping leaders to do it too.
I am an avid, life-long Texas Rangers fan and have become an Oklahoma Sooner fan through marriage to my wonderful husband, Bryce. I have two girls, Etta and Lily and I enjoy spending my free time being Mom and simply enjoying our family.
The Lord has reminded me lately that I am beloved, and I can rest in His unchanging, never stopping, always and forever love. Psalm 127:2 reminds me He calls me beloved, and He desires for me to rest in Him.
Erinn Zielke
Sports & Fitness Ministry Assistant
Erinn Zielke
Sports & Fitness Ministry Assistant
Email: ezielke@northwestbible.org
I'm excited to serve as the Sports & Fitness Ministry Assistant at the Northwest Gym! I've been teaching yoga in the Sports & Fitness Ministry 9 for years. I was born and raised in Albuquerque, NM and attended an amazing Baptist church growing up. I can’t remember a time when I didn’t know Jesus and am so grateful for parents, friends and a church family who provided that foundation. I attended SMU and eventually made Dallas my permanent home. I have been married to my husband Josh for 18 years, and we have two beautiful sons, Duncan and Finn.
Worship & Communications
Maurice Alexander
Technical Arts Director
Maurice Alexander
Technical Arts Director
Email: malexander@northwestbible.org
Madi Carr
Communications Coordinator
Madi Carr
Communications Coordinator
Email: mcarr@northwestbible.org
I am so excited to use my gifts as the Communications Coordinator for Northwest! Ever since I can remember, I have enjoyed designing and creating—usually painting or photography—but eventually it played out into writing and I graduated from the University of Arkansas with a Journalism degree. I accepted the Lord as my Savior at six years old and began pursuing an active relationship with Him during my first year of college. After college I went through a Pine Cove program that helped me move past the temptations of people pleasing and fearing man over fearing God and I learned to desire the Lord above man and deeply understood the Lord’s grace for the first time. Romans 1:16-17 reminds me to take confidence in the fact that God's power rests upon us. In my free time, I still love taking pictures and watercolor painting. I also enjoy taking walks with friends and family and playing pickleball.
Matt Collins
Worship Minister
Matt Collins
Worship Minister
Email: mcollins@northwestbible.org
Ann Fuller
Worship Coordinator
Ann Fuller
Worship Coordinator
Email: afuller@northwestbible.org
I’m a dependent of God and a disciple of Jesus, pursuing the direction of the Holy Spirit. God called me to worship ministry when I was a child, and serving in worship through the piano/keys on Sunday, and now as the Worship Coordinator here at Northwest, is my passion.
I'm thankful to have grown up on Siesta Key, Florida and am a Baylor grad. I enjoy Pilates, jigsaw puzzles, time at the beach and being with friends and family. Two married children, their spouses and grandchildren bring me great joy!
God’s great love and compassion have been evident in my life as He has rescued me, provided for me, and blessed me beyond what I ever imagined. “The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him, and He rescues them” (Ps 34:7). I’m grateful He’s not through with me yet! At the core of who I am, I believe God is good and faithful; His Word is true and powerful; my hope and my joy are secure in Jesus because I know He “makes a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” (Isa 43:19)
Colton Hoover
Colton Hoover
Email: choover@northwestbible.org
Adriana Hutson
Graphic Designer
Adriana Hutson
Graphic Designer
Email: ahutson@northwestibible.org
Dayton Pattison
Graphic Designer
Dayton Pattison
Graphic Designer
Email: dpattison@northwestbible.org
I am so thankful to be on staff at Northwest as a Graphic Designer! I was raised in a Christian home and was baptized at the age seven years old. I developed a deep, personal relationship with the Lord in my teenage years after suffering from major anxiety disorders and physical illness. The only place I could find peace, hope, and consistency was in Jesus. I learned how to truly depend on the Lord in every part of my life, and that sparked my desire to use my design talents for ministry. I started attending Northwest in October of 2023 after moving to Dallas a couple of months prior. I came on staff as an intern in January of 2024, graduated from Liberty University with a BFA in Graphic Design in May, and was lucky enough to be officially hired in July 2024! I am married to my high school sweetheart, Spencer, and we have two dogs that we adore. In my free time, I love going on walks with Spencer and the dogs, reading, watching documentaries, and cleaning!
April Payne
Worship Director
April Payne
Worship Director
Email: apayne@northwestbible.org
I am so excited to be serving at Northwest as Worship Director! My husband and I have attended the church and volunteered in the Worship Ministry since 2008. I joined the staff full time in June of 2017 after teaching K-5 music in public schools for 11 years.
I accepted Christ at a young age when neighborhood friends brought me with them to AWANAS at their church. It wasn’t until the age of 13, however, that I had my first meaningful experience with worship and truly fell in love with Jesus. That first time I closed my eyes, lifted my hands, and sang with all my heart, I was hooked! My passion for worship and music ministry has shaped my path since then, resulting in my involvement with several church worship teams and choirs as well as completing both my bachelor’s and master’s degrees in music.
When I’m not working, I love spending time with my incredible husband, Seth, and our surprise gift from God, our daughter September Rhodes who was born in May 2021. I will eat almost anything (especially if it’s sweet), enjoy reading YA fiction, and have hiccups every day. Most of all, I am constantly blown away by all the ways that God has blessed me despite the fact that I deserve nothing.
Megan Schmidt
Graphic Designer
Megan Schmidt
Graphic Designer
Email: mschmidt@northwestbible.org
I'm grateful to serve as a Graphic Designer at Northwest. I grew up in the Midwest and attended Iowa State University where I received my BFA in Graphic Design. I moved to Texas nearly 10 years ago and I’ve been a designer since 2011. I’m so thankful that I get to share my passion for design with Northwest. I am a wife and mother to boy/girl twins, and I love nurturing and watching their relationship with the Lord develop as they age. My favorite verses are Isaiah 41:10 and Philippians 4:13. In my spare time, I enjoy gardening, camping and being outdoors, baking sourdough, and spending time with my family.
Jennifer Sharp
Communications Director
Jennifer Sharp
Communications Director
Email: jsharp@northwestbible.org
I love being able to use my creative skills for Jesus as the Communications Director. After getting my BFA in Art Direction from Texas A&M Commerce, I started my first job as an art director at an advertising agency in downtown Dallas. I loved the fast-paced environment and the excitement of coming up with new promotional ideas and designs, but I didn’t really feel fulfilled. When the opportunity opened for me to become the graphic designer at Northwest (my home church), I decided to try it out. I’m so glad God led me here, because it’s been the single greatest blessing of my career, and it’s changed my view of using my gifts for ministry.
I’ve been really blessed in my life because I don’t remember a time that I didn’t know Jesus. My parents are Christians and raised me to know God from an early age. I remember when I was about 3 or 4 years old, asking to pray with my mom to invite Jesus into my heart—I felt we were already friends, so I wanted to make it official! I’ve gone through many phases in my walk with Jesus. He’s been faithful to lead me through doubt, fear, joy, rebellion, and complacency, and to deliver me from bondage.
If there’s one thing you should know about my personality, it’s that my brain is wired for comedy. I love laughing, which is one of the main reasons I was attracted to my amazing husband! He’s hilarious—on top of being a kind-hearted follower of Jesus. We were married in 2006 and are experiencing desperate dependence and unexpected joy in raising our two children. Some of my favorite things to do are hanging out and laughing with friends, singing, baking, getting pedicures, traveling, and being at the beach or anywhere close to the water!
Nadia Van Dyke
Social Media Strategist
Nadia Van Dyke
Social Media Strategist
Email: nvandyke@northwestbible.org
I am excited to serve Northwest as their Social Media Strategist. Social media has been one of my greatest passions for about six years because it’s one of the darkest places on earth and it’s an honor to represent the light and love of Jesus in the midst of such darkness. I am also a photographer and blogger.
I grew up in a small town in the thumb of Michigan, attended college at Bethany Global University studying Bible, Theology and Intercultural Ministries. I moved to Dallas in 2020 and met my wonderful husband, Elliott. After moving to Dallas, I adopted a cat named Ollie and he’s the love of my life!
I became a follower of Jesus in 2015 after my brother unexpectedly passed away. During that time, I felt Jesus gently tug on my heart and pull me towards Him. I knew He was the only one that could comfort and heal me—not the passions of the world—so I gave up my sinful life to live fully surrendered to Him and have been joyfully walking with Him since. He has truly been my source of joy even when every emotion and circumstance in my life tells me I shouldn’t have any.
I feel blessed beyond my wildest dreams to be a part of Northwest and can’t wait to see how Jesus uses my giftings for His glory!
Cassie Watson
Worship Leader
Cassie Watson
Worship Leader
Email: cwatson@northwestbible.org
Belinda Borja
Belinda Borja
Email: bborja@northwestbible.org
I am privileged to serve as the Bookkeeper here at Northwest Bible Church. I joined the team in June 2018, after 12 years in Accounting at Norton Rose Fulbright. It was God’s grace that led me to my current role here at Northwest, after taking a year and half off work to transition my then 5-year-old to kindergarten.
I grew up going to church and learned about our Savior Jesus Christ in my early childhood. There was one specific prayer that I would pray every day and my prayer was finally answered at the age of 17. I’m highly dependent on our Lord Jesus Christ who is in the midst of it all.
I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, trying out different restaurants, watching movies, and traveling.
This verse reminds me of God’s grace in my everyday life:
2 Corinthians 9:8 — "God has the power to provide you with more than enough of every kind of grace. That way, you will have everything you need always and in everything to provide more than enough for every kind of good work."
Paul Fazio
Business Administrator
Paul Fazio
Business Administrator
Email: pfazio@northwestbible.org
Ely Hernandez
Front Desk Associate
Ely Hernandez
Front Desk Associate
Email: ehernandez@northwestbible.org
I am blessed to be able to go wherever the Lord leads me. I have been attending Northwest since the summer of 2023 and it is a privilege to now serve as the Front Desk Associate. I graduated from the University of North Texas with a degree in Communication Studies. I loved my time at school and getting to grow in my love for people and their stories. I grew up going to church and I am grateful to have known Jesus since I was a kid. He has been a constant in all the ups and downs in my life. I am continuously learning the many things Jesus has to teach me. But one thing I like to remember often is that no matter what happens in this life I only need Jesus. “One thing I ask from the Lord, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to seek Him in His temple” Psalm 27:4. I am desperately dependent on Jesus and I want my life to reflect the love of Jesus everywhere I go. In my spare time I get to enjoy hanging out with the students at Northwest and lead the junior girls. I love playing sand volleyball and pickleball, going to concerts, reading, and spending time with my friends and family. I am grateful for everywhere the Lord leads me and all the people I encounter!
Anna Terlouw
Executive Assistant & Database Coordinator
Anna Terlouw
Executive Assistant & Database Coordinator
Email: aterlouw@northwestbible.org
I'm excited to serve on staff as Executive Assistant & Database Coordinator. I'm from Pflugerville, TX and graduated from Dallas Christian College with a degree in Biblical Ministry. My husband Caleb and I both have a heart for serving and for ministry. I enjoy outdoor activities and game nights with friends and family. Since graduating high school I have had a passion for student ministry and love leading our Junior girls! I also love Celebrate Recovery and believe that no one is too broken for the love and grace that God has for us, and that God has the power to heal and restore our hearts from our hurts.
Matt Senter
Facilities Manager
Matt Senter
Facilities Manager
Email: msenter@northwestbible.org
I am privileged to serve as the Facilities Manager at Northwest Bible Church. I began my journey here in July 1999 and previously served in various roles at Dallas Theological Seminary and Sanitor Janitors. I have been married to an awesome woman for many years and we have two beautiful daughters who keep us very busy.
I grew up in a Christian home and had great examples in my parents. I asked Jesus into my heart at the age of 10 during a very hot Texas summer at church camp. Since High School, I have believed my spiritual gift is the gift of service and I always thought it would be cool to serve and work in a church environment. I feel blessed to be able to do that here at Northwest.
I enjoy spending time with my family and friends and watching lots of sports and movies. If I could have any food my preference would be Nachos from Taco Bell. Out of all the sports that I like to follow, my favorite is college football. I am a big Oklahoma Sooners fan, but my wife and girls like to disappoint me and cheer for the Longhorns, grrrrrrrrrrrr! My favorite Bible Verse is Daniel 2:22, “God reveals deep and mysterious things and knows what lies hidden in darkness, though he himself is surrounded by light.”
Vanessa Sick
Lead Accountant
Vanessa Sick
Lead Accountant
Email: vsick@northwestbible.org
I am the newest edition to the Accounting & Finance team and what a blessing & privilege it is to serve as Lead Accountant. I was born and raised in the Appalachian Mountains of Virginia. I grew up in church and was so young when I accepted Christ into my heart that I don’t recall the exact moment I got saved. I was baptized around age 8 and my relationship with the Lord has been ever progressive. My husband and I have been married for 21 years and have lived in six states: VA, TN, NC, SC, NV, TX. One week after making the decision to move to Texas in 2014, the Lord confirmed it. I began work in the Dallas area as a Staff Accountant for SEI Fuel Services, Inc. In 2016 the Lord led me to quit my accounting job there. It was one of the hardest things I’ve had to do because I really liked my job; however, I wanted to be obedient so I left it behind. Seven months later I received an opportunity to use my degree to advance His kingdom. I didn’t know much about nonprofit accounting at the time so I researched and did online training to educate myself and obtain the knowledge necessary. For three years I served as the Accounting & Finance Administrator at another church. In April of 2019 the Lord released me from my role there and has since opened a door for me here at Northwest. Ecclesiastes 3:1 “To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.”
Katie Smith
Human Resources Manager
Katie Smith
Human Resources Manager
Email: ksmith@northwestbible.org
As a member of Northwest Bible Church since 2016, I am humbled to have joined the staff in 2021 as Executive Assistant. I am a Baylor University graduate (Sic’Em Bears!) where I studied Child and Family Studies and was able to utilize what I learned to serve families as I walked them through the Foster Care and International Adoption Process. I was led into an administrative role at Abilene Christian University where I had the opportunity to explore and learn about my strengths and passion for serving an organization behind the scenes. I made the decision to trust Jesus with my life at an early age and have walked with him since through the ups and downs – and there have been many of both, but He is always good and learning to surrender to His will has been the greatest lesson I’ve learned thus far. I have been married to my high school sweetheart, Preston, since 2011 and we have three little blessings – Asher, Caleb and Landry and a sweet “inherited” daughter, Naomi, who I have loved since I went on my first mission trip to Zambia in 2007. With our family and two dogs, it’s a full house! When I’m not at church or chasing my kids around, I enjoy reading and doing anything creative.
Michael Volbeda
Executive Minister
Michael Volbeda
Executive Minister
Email: mvolbeda@northwestbible.org
I'm excited to serve as Executive Minister at Northwest Bible Church. In addition to partnering with our elders and Neil to lead the overall direction of the church, I also serve with many different teams of ministers and support staff who faithfully serve behind the scenes to keep everything running smoothly.
I trusted Jesus for my salvation at age 12 and immediately began serving in the local church. I’m originally from southern California but moved to Dallas to attend Dallas Theological Seminary which is where I met my wife Amber. After seminary, I spent some time in the marketplace working in commercial real estate and financial services before serving in executive pastor positions at churches in Dallas and Nashville. God has used all of those experiences to reveal my sweet spot in ministry which is bringing together the spiritual side and the organizational side of the church.
Amber and I have five wonderful kids who bring us equal measures of joy and exhaustion. One of my favorite verses in scripture is Psalm 1 because I have experienced the goodness of God through the many seasons of life. You can find me wherever fine caffeinated beverages are sold, probably there meeting a with staff member or church leader.
Kim Hetzel
Facility and Event Coordinator
Kim Hetzel
Facility and Event Coordinator
Department: Administration
Email: khetzel@northwestbible.org
I grew up an Air Force brat and moved a lot, always being the “new kid." Fun fact: I am a twin! We settled in San Antonio, but during my college years I moved up to Dallas and have been here ever since. My degree is in Fine Arts from the University of Texas at Arlington, so I’ve ultimately done a lot of work in non-profits (a few churches and the Dallas Symphony) and special events. I grew up going to church every weekend and attended Sunday school or youth groups. God has taken the broken, messy pieces of my life & created something beautiful, more than once. I suspect He will again. I felt a large attraction to the “messy cross” logo here at Northwest Bible Church. I liked the meaning and the artistic style. My favorite Bible verse is Jeremiah 29:11 — "I know the plans I have in mind for you, declares the Lord; they are plans for peace, not disaster, to give you a future filled with hope." My hobbies have always been art & dancing. I used to teach Zumba at one of the churches I was worked for and it led me to salsa/Latin dancing & then to East Coast Swing dancing & of course, Country dancing. Also, I love art — primarily in pastels, doing real life drawings. I come from Cajun roots, so I love cooking Cajun food, especially in cool weather! I’ve taught a fair amount of people how to make gumbo and how to peel crawfish.