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Middle School Serve Week 2025

2025-06-02 2025-06-05 Middle School Serve Week 2025 Middle schoolers, join us for a week of serving and sharing Jesus with our neighbors in the Dallas area! Drop off and pick up location: Northwest Bible Church, 8505 Douglas Ave, Dallas, TX 75225 Array


At Middle School Serve Week, completed 6th-8th graders will have the opportunity to serve and share Jesus with our local neighbors as we partner with non-profit organizations right here in Dallas.

Monday-Wednesday, we will meet at the church for a devotion and prayer time before we head out to serve our neighbors for the day. On Thursday, we will end our serve week by having a fun day at Six Flags! You will not want to miss this opportunity to serve our neighbors and show God’s love to our city.

Check back here for updated information on service locations coming soon!

COST: $150 per student. (Scholarships available upon request.)

REGISTRATION: Opens on January 1, 2025. Due May 28.

Trip refund policy: any registrations cancelled after May 1st will not be eligible for refund. For questions or concerns, please contact Sarah Makasini at


June 2, 2025


Drop off and pick up location: Northwest Bible Church, 8505 Douglas Ave, Dallas, TX 75225


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