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NCC Resource Distribution

2025-01-25 08:30:00 2025-01-25 12:30:00 NCC Resource Distribution Join us for a monthly resource distribution event to serve approximately 300 refugee families! Northwest Community Center 5750 Pineland Dr, Dallas, TX 75231 Array


The Northwest Community Center holds a monthly resource distribution event to provide diapers and hygiene items to approximately 300 refugee families in Vickery Meadow. The nearly three-mile radius represents over thirty people groups, fifty languages, and numerous religious beliefs. The distribution event will be held outdoors.

Volunteer Position Descriptions:

Set-Up Crew (8:30 – 9:30 AM):
Prep diaper boxes and hygiene items an hour before Resource Distribution starts.

Welcome Station:
Greet families, verify they have correct documentation for check-in, maintain orderly line and flow, and register expecting mothers for an upcoming baby shower event.

Registration Station:
Check-in families into the resource database and verify information about diaper sizes. (Volunteers must be 18 years or older to serve at this station.)

Diaper Station:
Fill diaper orders and distribute hygiene resources to families.

Prayer Station:
Be available to pray for and encourage families.

Games Station:
Build relationships with families in our hospitality area as both kids and adults play games and win prizes. This is a great station for families with kids (ages 7-12) to serve together.

Kids Station:
Play games with kids in the hospitality area while parents are in line to receive diapers and resources. This is a great station for older kids (12-17) to serve independently or families with young kids (ages 4-11) to serve together.

Table Host Station:
Build relationships with families in the hospitality area by engaging in intentional conversation with our refugee neighbors.


January 25, 2025


8:30am - 12:30pm


Northwest Community Center 5750 Pineland Dr, Dallas, TX 75231


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