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Small Group Leader Lunch | Regroup

Childcare Available.
2025-01-19 11:45:00 2025-01-19 14:00:00 Small Group Leader Lunch | Regroup All small group leaders are invited for a time of fellowship and care. Christian Life Center | Quads A & B Array


Small Group Leader Lunch



You know the value of community for spiritual formation, or you wouldn’t lead a small group. But are you having trouble getting your group members to see that? With all the swirling opposing opinions in our culture, it’s easy to feel divided. If one Holy Spirit lives in all of us, why do we not agree on all things? What are the issues we must align on, and what can we agree to disagree about?

Join us for our next Small Group Leader Lunch, ReGroup, where we will grapple with these questions together.


Let us know you are attending by registering. Lunch and childcare available. Spouses welcome to attend.


Register to let us know you are coming! 


January 19, 2025


11:45am - 2:00pm


Christian Life Center | Quads A & B


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