Easter Sunday Services
8:30 am | 9:45 am | 11 am
You're invited to a special celebration of the resurrection of our Savior on Sunday, April 20!
Our Easter services will feature beautiful music, friendly community, a worshipful environment, and a message about the saving hope and unexpected joy of Jesus.
Ministry programming is available for ages birth–PreK, and all three services will be live-streamed if you aren't able to join us in person. Elementary through high school will join us in the main service to allow families to worship our risen savior together!
Visiting in person for the first time? Learn more!
Good Friday Service
7 pm | Friday, April 18
Join us for our Good Friday service, a solemn time of reflective worship, communion, and meditation on God's Word as we remember the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. As we reflect on Jesus' death, we will look forward to the celebration of His resurrection on Easter morning! Nursery and preschool ministry programming will be available for ages Birth—PreK.
The service will also be available via livestream if you are unable to attend in person.

Connect With Us
Are you looking for answers this Easter? Looking for a place to connect, belong, or just need a good church home? Do you find yourself lacking hope and joy in life and want to talk to someone about how Jesus might fill that void? We would love to connect with you and answer any faith questions you might have or just help you get plugged into a caring community to grow and share life with! Reach out today and let us know how we can serve you or your family.
Need Prayer?
We believe in the power of prayer and would love to pray for you. Let us know your prayer request! You can also join our Elders for prayer at the front of the worship center after service on any Sunday.