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World Passion Week

World Passion Week | "Cultivate: Rooted in Christ, Reaching the World"

Sunday, April 6–Saturday, April 12

The mission of God has always been about growth — cultivating faith, planting the Gospel in hearts, and watching His Kingdom flourish across the world.

Deep roots in Christ lead to wide-reaching impact. Our faithful mission partnerships are not only meeting tangible needs but also sharing the life-changing hope of Jesus in places where it is desperately needed. World Passion Week is an opportunity to see how God is moving and to ask how He's calling us to be part of it. Whether through prayer, giving, or going, each of us can trust God to cultivate our investment into missions and grow fruit for His Kingdom. We also trust God to cultivate conversations about Jesus as we plant the seeds of prayer and time spent in relationship with those around us all over our city.

WHAT CAN I EXPECT DURING WORLD PASSION WEEK? Our annual World Passion Week features a unique time of worship on Sunday morning focused on missions and events throughout the week to further engage in God's work around the globe. We also kick off our annual Faith Promise Campaign during World Passion Week to collect pledges for all the funds needed for our outreach budget over the next year.

WebPoster World Passion Week 2025


Join us for a unique time of Sunday morning worship at 9 or 10:35 a.m., either in person or online, to celebrate God's unstoppable work through missions over the past year!

Come and experience multicultural worship through music and Scripture. We will hear how God is impacting South Asia through a powerful ministry called Asian Christian Academy. Northwest has been long time partners with this incredible organization, and we will hear from one of the leaders in their seminary where they are preparing the next generation of Christian leaders.


Virtual Reality Mission Experience:

Step into a whole new perspective with our 10-minute Virtual Reality Mission Experience! You'll get to see firsthand how one of our global partners is sharing the Gospel and planting churches in communities around the world. Don't miss this powerful opportunity to witness God's work in a whole new way. Join us and experience the mission like never before. RSVPs are not required.


You’re invited to a celebration dinner on Sunday, April 6! Dinner will be in the CLC at 5:30 pm. At 6:30 pm, the service will begin in the Worship Center as we celebrate stories of our missions partners over the past year. Register today to save your seat.


FRI & SAT, APRIL 11 & 12

Northwest is partnering with Family Legacy to have 500 volunteers assemble 100,000 meals for children in Zambia. Sign up with your friends, family, or small group! There are three shifts to choose from and everyone ages 6-96 can serve!



Northwest’s annual outreach budget is based solely on the total number of dollars promised through our Faith Promise Campaign each year beginning with World Passion Week. We invite you to participate in God's work around the globe by completing the pledge card online. If you prefer a physical card, you can find one during Sunday morning worship beginning April 6 or contact the church. Physical cards may be returned via mail or in person at the church offices or on Sunday morning. Cards must be submitted by Sunday, May 4 to be included in the outreach budget for next fiscal year, which begins July 1, 2025.

Amount Pledged
of $1,800,000

What does the Outreach budget
at Northwest support?

We have five high investment areas: Cuba, Guatemala, South Asia, South Sudan, and the Northwest Community Center in Vickery Meadow, here in Dallas. Each year, we send short-term trips to help support our partners on the ground. In addition to our refugee outreach at the Northwest Community Center, we support 75 missions partners across 6 continents.


Click the photos below to learn more about what the outreach budget at Northwest supports!

Missionaries & Missions Partners

Northwest Community Center

The Gym at Northwest

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