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Membership Class

Childcare Available.
2025-02-02 09:00:00 2025-02-02 10:15:00 Membership Class A five week course for those interested in membership at Northwest. Christian Life Center | Quad D Array


Every Christ-follower is part of the universal Body of Christ (Eph 3:6) and our hope and expectation based upon His Word (James 5:13-16) is that every believer will be a member of the local church.

Our Membership course is geared toward those who are ready to pursue membership at Northwest or those who want to learn more about what we believe. Through our 5-week membership class, we aim to equip potential members with a solid theological foundation and opportunity to grow in community at Northwest.

Our Membership Class is offered each fall and spring. For membership purposes, please know that attendance and participation in all 5 weeks of the course is necessary. If you must miss a class, let us know and we will help make arrangements to keep you on track!

Register today! 


Programming for birth–5th grade kids is available during our normal Children’s Ministry activities at the 9:00 AM service time. 


February 2, 2025


9:00am - 10:15am


Christian Life Center | Quad D


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