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Cross-Cultural Training Workshop at the NCC

Childcare Available.
2023-10-07 09:00:00 2023-10-07 13:00:00 Cross-Cultural Training Workshop at the NCC A cultural training series designed to help you better engage with your neighbor. 5750 Pineland Drive Dallas, TX 75231 Array


Do you wish you knew how to engage with and share the Gospel with people of other faith backgrounds? Do you want to grow in learning how to communicate love and respect as you encounter cultural differences? Whether you are someone desiring to better connect with your international neighbor or someone actively engaging with various people groups, this workshop is for YOU! Join us for part one of a cultural & religious training series on October 7 called Welcoming the Nations Among Us.

The Northwest Community Center is hosting an equipping workshop on how to engage with cross-cultural neighbors for the sake of the Gospel. This focused training will dive into the biblical model of welcoming foreigners and explore cultural differences and obstacles of engagement with those from other cultures.

You will also get to take home resources to use as you continue to build relationships and have conversations about Jesus.

Breakfast is available at 8:30am, and the workshop begins at 9am. Limited childcare is available for ages 5 and under.

You will also get a first look at and earliest access to the upcoming Spring 2024 Workshop Series Theme- God’s Heart for Muslims.


October 7, 2023


9:00am - 1:00pm


5750 Pineland Drive Dallas, TX 75231


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